Sold out, 48 pages, color and b/w

Sold out, 48 pages, color and b/w
$7.95, 48 pages, color and b/w
The Fall 2015 issue of Railroad Heritage includes three main features, plus a new column. Photographer Victor Hand shares a gallery of his work from around New York City. There’s a memoir and photographs by Charles McCreary about growing up around trains in the Upper Midwest. Peter Mosse recasts his 2015 Conversations presentations with an in-depth look at the first hundred years of rail art, drawing from his extensive collection. To keep you better apprised of our archiving work, we launched a new column with this issue, “Out of the Archives.” The first installment looks at organization and metadata from the work of our two summer interns in Madison.
This issue is out of print. Get in touch with us about digital copies.
Examining the future of railroad photography, writer David Lester answers the question of whether the younger generation is losing interest in railroad photography with, “Not a chance.” Lester interviews six photographers ranging in age from 18 to 30 in his cover feature, which assesses their interests and priorities, and displays the great passion they bring to the field. Incidentally, the cover photograph by Amanda Oakes is only the second time the work of a woman photographer has been featured on the cover of Railroad Heritage. Shirley Burman was the first. In conjunction with the 2014 annual meeting of the Lexington Group in Transportation History in St. Louis, there is an eight-page gallery of St. Louis railroad photographs by Center member Dick Neumiller, highlighting the Gateway City’s colorful railroads and especially its pre-Amtrak passenger trains. Three short features round out the issue. As part of our ongoing coverage of railroads and World War II in conjunction with our Railroaders exhibition at the Chicago History Museum, Center editorial consultant Jack Holzhueter shares his reflections on the patriotic imagery found in wartime dining car menus, which come from the collection of member John Kelly. Artist Elaine Wilson describes her project Charting the Wolverine of watercolors and maps highlighting Amtrak’s route across Michigan. Finally, as a follow-up to the spring issue profile on photographer Blair Kooistra, one of his former traveling and photography companions, Scott Bontz, shares his memories and photographs of their time together. Bontz has been never considered himself a railfan, and he brings an interesting perspective of an “outsider” to the pursuit of railroad photography.
$7.95, 36 pages, color and b/w
The Summer 2014 issue’s cover feature by BYU professor James Swensen profiles photographer Andreas Feininger’s work at the Utah Copper Company’s railroads in November 1942 for the Office of War Information. It also includes an in-depth look at the railroad art in the permanent collection of the Grohmann Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, written by James R. Keiselburg, director of the museum. the issue devotes nine pages to reporting on the opening weekend of the Center’s monumental Railroaders: Jack Delano’s Homefront Photography exhibition at the Chicago History Museum in early April, including the complete remarks of Federal Railroad Administrator Joseph Szabo and extensive photography by Henry A. Koshollek. David Lester provides a rundown of the 2014 Conversations about Photography conference in May at Lake Forest College and the Chicago History Museum. The 2014 conference set a new record for attendance, and Lester’s writing and Koshollek’s photography gives you the full report.
$7.95, 36 pages, color and b/w