Established in 2019, the Form 19 Legacy Society honors individuals who have arranged future financial gifts through their wills or estate plans to support the Center for Railroad Photography & Art Endowment.
To date, more than thirty individuals have joined this esteemed group. Their commitments of future support to the endowment will help grow this vital source of support to assure that our programmatic efforts continue to flourish today, tomorrow, and always.
And this year, new documented commitments to the Legacy Society will go even further, because they will be matched with a $2,500 contribution to our annual fund from the newly established Mellowes-Mosse Matching Fund.
Long time Center supporter John Mellowes was so inspired by Peter and Christine Mosse’s decision to bequeath their world-class art collection to the Center that he established this fund to inspire others to grow their support for our work.
To learn more about this special matching opportunity and the Legacy Society, please reach out to Inga Velten, development director, 608-251-5785, extension 102, or download and complete this form to the extent you are comfortable with and mail it to the Center.
With Gratitude
We gratefully acknowledge the Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable Trust as underwriter of the Center for Railroad Photography & Art’s Endowment Campaign.
Sample Language
I give ____% and/or $____ of my estate to the Center for Railroad Photography & Art Endowment (EIN 47-7373395), 1930 Monroe Street, Suite 301, Madison, Wisconsin, 53711, to provide funding for _______ at the Center or the program(s) most in need as determined by the administration of the Center and its board of directors, and by the trustees of the Center’s endowment fund.