Join us for our next members-only webinar, focused on the latest addition to the John Gruber Collection: portraits and stereographs produced in specially equipped rail photo cars that traveled the burgeoning U.S. railroad system during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Fascinated for decades by what he called “rolling studios,” CRP&A founder John Gruber researched and published multiple times about the topic, and amassed more than 200 period examples of rail photo car photography during his life. After processing Gruber’s collected images, and researching the photo cars as well as their operators, collections team members Adrienne Evans and Jordan Craig are ready to share insights into these nomadic photographers of the railroad and the mediums with which they worked. You won’t want to miss this webinar – register today!
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 7:00 pm Central Time (8pm Eastern, 6pm Mountain, and 5pm Pacific)
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Group portrait featuring a horse-drawn sleigh loaded with several men standing on the platform, bundled in winter coats and hats, in front of a railway car marked “J. A. Ennors [Palace Car]” and advertising “Photos and Views” on its side. From the John Gruber Collection, Gruber-SC-02-42-01.
A portrait of three young children standing against a plain backdrop on a patterned carpet. Mount text transcription: “Hutchins, Railroad Photo. Car.” From the John Gruber Collection, Gruber-SC-02-36-02.