Member-exclusive program: John Gruber’s rolling studios collection

Join us for our next members-only webinar, focused on the latest addition to the John Gruber Collection: portraits and stereographs produced in specially equipped rail photo cars that traveled the burgeoning U.S. railroad system during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Fascinated for decades by what he called “rolling studios,” CRP&A founder John Gruber researched and published multiple times about the topic, and amassed more than 200 period examples of rail photo car photography during his life. After processing Gruber’s collected images, and researching the photo cars as well as their operators, collections team members Adrienne Evans and Jordan Craig are ready to share insights into these nomadic photographers of the railroad and the mediums with which they worked. You won’t want to miss this webinar – register today!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 7:00 pm Central Time (8pm Eastern, 6pm Mountain, and 5pm Pacific)


Not a Center member, or haven’t yet renewed? Visit our website at this link. Your support makes our work possible!

Group portrait featuring a horse-drawn sleigh loaded with several men standing on the platform, bundled in winter coats and hats, in front of a railway car marked “J. A. Ennors [Palace Car]” and advertising “Photos and Views” on its side. From the John Gruber Collection, Gruber-SC-02-42-01.

A portrait of three young children standing against a plain backdrop on a patterned carpet. Mount text transcription: “Hutchins, Railroad Photo. Car.” From the John Gruber Collection, Gruber-SC-02-36-02.

Winter 2024: Fred Frailey interview, Maine steam, rail photography star, & more

Our newest issue of Railroad Heritage magazine features news and photography of the Center’s collections, upcoming events, interviews, and more. Inside you’ll find these highlights:

  • Rick Malo’s interview with rising rail photography star Isaiah Bradford, accompanied by a beautiful selection of his images, including BNSF and NS in Illinois;
  • Justin Franz interviews Fred Frailey: the veteran railroad journalist talks about writing for David P. Morgan, covering the Class Ones, and his first novel, Seldom Willing.
  • Railroaders and the art of place: Oren B. Helbok takes us to the Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railway Museum in Maine (as seen on the cover);
  • Adrienne Evans’ column “Out of the Archives”: learn about the Center’s Print Acquisition Program, including an interview with Peter Mosse, CRP&A board member and co-chair of the collections & acquisitions committee;
  • Meet the poster artist for Caltrain’s new electric trainsets.

CRP&A Member Exclusive: The History and Development of Madison’s Railroads

Tuesday, June 20, 2023
7:00 p.m. (U.S. Central Time), on Zoom
Registration closes at 4 pm CT on Monday, June 19

Registration Closed

CRP&A members can request the recording link at 

Our summer members-only program features a detailed look at the Center’s hometown Madison, Wisconsin, by our executive director Scott Lothes, showcasing the photography of John Gruber. These presentations are open to members of the Center and are presented to express our gratitude for their support. If you’re not a member, consider joining today to see this program as well as previous members-only events.

Railroads played a tremendous role in building Madison and south-central Wisconsin, and they continue to play a critical role in the regional economy. At their zenith, nine different railroad lines radiated out of Madison. Seven of those routes remain in service today, although only four of them still extend to their original destinations. This program will largely draw from the collection of John Gruber, the Center’s principal founder, who grew up in Prairie du Sac and lived in Madison, covering the changing railroad scene of Milwaukee Road, Chicago & North Western, and others.

Before the 20th-century rise of car culture and the building of the interstate highway system, a town’s ability to attract a railroad was a significant marker of its growth and economic health. In 2023, as Madison is considering a possible return of passenger rail, it’s a perfect time to examine local railroad history.

Join us on Tuesday, June 20, at 7 pm Central (5 pm PT / 6 pm MT / 8 pm ET) for this exciting program! This program is being recorded and will be made available to members by request.


This event is open to members of the CRP&A

Join Today! Become a member here




In 1955, a Milwaukee Road train rests nearby the Chicago & North Western depot with the capitol building visible in the background. Photograph by John Gruber.

Railroad Heritage Winter 2023: Film’s return, Bachman, Gruber, Watts, and more

Film is making a comeback and the Winter 2023 issue of Railroad Heritage is your guide to this developing trend! Highlights include:

  • Our cover story by Justin Franz explores the resurgence of film in railroad photography, featuring great photographs and perspectives from him and ten great photographers.
  • Ben Bachman explores the urban grit of Seattle — and the BNSF, UP, and Amtrak trains that crawl through its waterfront and downtown spaces – in a spectacular “Railroads and the Art of Place” photo feature.
  • Archivist Adrienne Evans interviews newer staff member Abigail Guidry, who is blazing through the processing of our John Gruber Collection, and you’ll see some of her favorite Gruber images.
  • Artist Roger Watts treats us to an in-depth look at his work and creative process, featuring ten of his stunning graphite drawings that range from steam locomotives to subways and container yards.
  • Elrond Lawrence’s fond tribute to legendary western rail photographer Stan Kistler, who passed away in September.
  • Artist Henry Widenaar’s Last Run, Swiss railways’ winter sports advertising, news, book reviews, and more!

If you don’t receive it already, join the Center and have four issues delivered to your mailbox each year.


Railroad Heritage, Summer 2022: Signal box life, BN photography & more

The Summer 2022 issue of Railroad Heritage, our beautiful quarterly magazine, is filled with great photography and stories, plus news about the Center and our collections … and no ads!

Highlights include:

  • “Life Inside a British Signal Box,” a stunning installment of Railroad and the Art of Place;
  • “From the Cab,” photography from a Burlington Northern engineer;
  • “Re-Photography” — before & after views of Southern railroading by Ron Flanary;
  • “The Great American Circus Train” photo feature with images by John Gruber, Thomas McIlwraith, and others;
  • Collection news about Henry Posner III, Stan Kistler’s color photography, Margaret Mailly’s paintings, and more;
  • Interviews with acquisitions & marketing coordinator Elrond Lawrence and author/volunteer John Kelly, a Conversations 2022 recap, and more!

If you don’t receive it already, join the Center and have four issues delivered to your mailbox each year.

$7.95, 68 pages, color and b/w; purchase individual copies:

Railroad Heritage 2022:3 (issue 69)