Spring 2023: Ronald C. Hill, finishing paintings, stations & stamps, steam and more

A heartfelt tribute to Ronald C. Hill by Jeff Brouws headlines the spring issue of Railroad Heritage, our magazine for Center members, complete with a classic Hill cover of the Rio Grande Zephyr. Highlights include:

  • Our cover story tribute to Ronald C. Hill, who passed away in January 2023, written by Jeff Brouws and illustrated with Ron’s great photography.
  • Artist Gil Bennett’s story about his work completing Howard Fogg’s last painting and others.
  • An interview with Adrienne Evans, director of archives and collections, with updates on the processing of various collections such as Richard Steinheimer’s.
  • Exploring the development of the Post Office’s new line of railroad depot stamps, by Justin Franz.
  • “Writes of Passage,” an outstanding photo essay by photographer and writer Rick Malo.
  • The esthetics of steam locomotive design: drawings, photographs, and a 1948 term paper by Robert A. Witbeck.
  • The railroad family of Tom Hoback, 2022 donors, and more!

If you don’t receive it already, join the Center and have four issues delivered to your mailbox each year.

Railroad Heritage, Summer 2022: Signal box life, BN photography & more

The Summer 2022 issue of Railroad Heritage, our beautiful quarterly magazine, is filled with great photography and stories, plus news about the Center and our collections … and no ads!

Highlights include:

  • “Life Inside a British Signal Box,” a stunning installment of Railroad and the Art of Place;
  • “From the Cab,” photography from a Burlington Northern engineer;
  • “Re-Photography” — before & after views of Southern railroading by Ron Flanary;
  • “The Great American Circus Train” photo feature with images by John Gruber, Thomas McIlwraith, and others;
  • Collection news about Henry Posner III, Stan Kistler’s color photography, Margaret Mailly’s paintings, and more;
  • Interviews with acquisitions & marketing coordinator Elrond Lawrence and author/volunteer John Kelly, a Conversations 2022 recap, and more!

If you don’t receive it already, join the Center and have four issues delivered to your mailbox each year.

$7.95, 68 pages, color and b/w; purchase individual copies:

Railroad Heritage 2022:3 (issue 69)