The new Fall 2017 issue of Railroad Heritage is here. Photographer Richard Koenig reflects on “Growing up in Railroad Vacuum” and the value of mentorships with his story and photographs from Indiana and Illinois in the late 1970s. Koenig now teaches art at Michigan’s Kalamazoo College and is working on a project about the original transcontinental railroad. Mark Aldrich, a retired economics professor from Smith College, explores railroad political cartoons from the late 19th and early 20th century in “The Pen is Mightier than the Locomotive.” Jordan Radke, archives manager, offers further insights into copyright concerns surrounding photography and art in his regular “Out of the Archives” column, while Arjan den Boer shares more about European railway poster art in his column. The issue also includes book reviews and a roundup of the Center’s six traveling exhibitions currently on tour.
$7.95, 48 pages, color and b/w