Presenter John Austin with Cathy Johnson chat with unidentified attendee at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Drake Hokanson, Todd Halamka, Jeff Brouws, and Peter Mosse in discussion at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendee Martin O'Toole reads "Conversations" program at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendees Mathew Malkiewicz, Oren Helbok, and unidentified in discussion at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Name tags at registration table during Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Bob Edmonson and Robin Coombes at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

David Kahler and Kevin Keefe at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

CRP&A videographer Michael Olsen at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Henry Koshollek, Jeff Mast, and Mathew Makliewicz at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Den Adler and Todd Halamka viewing Wallace Abbey prints at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendee Martin O'Toole views Wallace Abbey prints at Friday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendees enjoy dinner on Friday night at the Mohr Student Center. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Justin Franz.

Attendee Ed Burkhardt at Friday night dinner. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photography by Henry Koshollek.

Attendee Rick Ahern at Friday night dinner at "Conversations 2018." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendee Don Phillips at Friday night dinner at "Conversations 2018." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendee Martin O'Toole at Friday night dinner. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

CRP&A founder John Gruber chats with Steve Patterson at "Conversations 2018." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendee Justin Franz at reception at "Conversations 2018." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Attendees Chip Sherman and Steve Patterson at Friday night dinner. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Joe McMillan, CRP&A Director Scott Lothes, and Steve Patterson at Friday night dinner. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

CRP&A Director Scott Lothes addresses crowd at Friday reception of Conversations 2018. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Otto Vondrak, Scott Lothes, and Almedin Smajlovic of "Fast and Cheap" announce the winner of the Friday night raffle. Mel Patrick's "Broadway Limited" was the raffle prize. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Justin Franz.

Ron Goldfeder stands with Norman Carlson as he displays award from Railway & Locomotive Society at Friday night dinner. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Scott Lothes and Otto Vondrak present Kit Courter, the winner of the Friday night raffle, with Mel Patrick's photograph, "Broadway Limited." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Joe McMillan and Steve Patterson display Railway & Locomotive Historical Society awards at Friday night dinner. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

"Fast and Cheap" preforms at "Conversations 2018" Friday night dinner. Comprised of Lake Forest College faculty and students, the band includes Jim Cubit, Joyce Dewitt, Cynthia Hahn, Don Meyer, Elizabeth Meyer, Almedin Smajlovic, and Rand Smith. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Almedin Smajlovic, the accordion player for "Fast and Cheap," performs at Friday night dinner. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

CRP&A Director Scott Lothes during Saturday presentations. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Audience listens intently as James Wrinn and Leslie Gordon present "Placeholders for Old Memories: The Railroad Photography of William G. Gordon." Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Justin Franz.

Leslie Gordon and James Wrinn present photographs taken by Leslie's father in "Placeholders for Old Memories: The Railroad Photography of William G. Gordon." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Leslie Gordon speaks about her father's work during "Placeholders for Old Memories: The Railroad Photography of William G. Gordon" at "Conversations 2018." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

McNair Evans presents "In Search of Great Men: Portraits with 21st Century American Rail Passengers" Saturday at "Conversations 2018." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Guggenheim photography fellow, McNair Evans, presents a images captured during a series of Amtrak trips that he took to meet and photograph passengers in his presentation, "In Search of Great Men." Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Justin Franz.

"Conversations" attendees enjoy coffee and pastries at Reid Hall on Saturday morning. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

CRP&A Development Associate Inga Velten talks with attendees Steve Barry and Dave Saums during Saturday morning break. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

McNair Evans, David Lester, Lou Gerard, and David Daruska walk the breezeway between Reid Hall and Lily Reid Holt Memorial Chapel at Saturday presentations. Greg McDonnell and Otto Vondrak are visible in the background. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

CRP&A Board Member Peter Mosse introduces John Austin's presentation, "Smoke, Steam, & Light: A Journey Around the Railways of England, Wales, & Scotland in Oil Paintings," on Saturday at "Conversations 2018." Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

CRP&A Board Member Peter Mosse introduces John Austin's presentation, "Smoke, Steam, & Light: A Journey Around the Railways of England, Wales, & Scotland in Oil Paintings," on Saturday at "Conversations 2018." Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Justin Franz.

John Austin presents "Smoke, Steam, & Light: A Journey Around the Railways of England, Wales, & Scotland in Oil Paintings" on Saturday morning at the conference. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Award-winning artist John Austin presents some of his work in "Smoke, Steam, & Light: A Journey Around the Railways of England, Wales, & Scotland in Oil Paintings." Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

George Hiotis presents "Towers--The Last Outposts" Saturday at the conference. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

George Hiotis presents his photography during "Towers--The Last Outposts." Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

David R. Busse and Kevin P. Keefe exchange ideas during a break. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

"Conversations 2018" attendees enjoy Saturday lunch at the Mohr Student Center. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

CRP&A attendees hear updates about the Center for Railroad Photography & Art from Director Scott Lothes. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Justin Franz.

T. Bondurant French, Chair of CRP&A's Board of Directors, delivers annual business update to conference attendees. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Robin Coombes presents "A Different View" on Saturday at the conference. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Justin Franz.

Robin Coombes presents "A Different View" Saturday afternoon at "Conversations 2018." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

"Conversations 2018" presenter Robin Coombes at Saturday presentations. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

CRP&A Board Member Al Louer introduces William Benning Stewart's presentation "Paralleling Paths: Railroad and Commercial Photography Mature Together in the Industrial Age." at Saturday presentations. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

William Benning Stewart presents "Paralleling Paths: Railroad and Commercial Photography Mature Together in the Industrial Age." . Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry Koshollek.

William Benning Stewart presents "Paralleling Paths: Railroad and Commercial Photography Mature Together in the Industrial Age." Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

William Benning Stewart, Scott Lothes, and Bob Alkire at Saturday presentations. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Co-authors Scott Lothes and Kevin P. Keefe present the work of Wallace Abbey, the subject of their new book. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

Scott Lothes and Kevin Keefe present "Wallace Abbey: a Life in Railroad Photography" on Saturday afternoon. Jeff Brouws shows off festive socks. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Justin Franz.

Otto Vondrak presents Ken Rehor, the winner of the Saturday print raffle with David Plowdin print. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Maggie Abbey, daughter of Wallace Abbey, at Glen Rowan House on Saturday afternoon. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Ryan Gayor.

Attendees enjoy refreshments at Glen Rowan House at Saturday reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

Daughters of rail photographer Bill Gordon--Leslie Gordon and Michelle Lenox--enjoy Wallace W. Abbey exhibit at Saturday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

Ted Benson and David Saums wait to get their books autorgraphed at book signing event on Saturday. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

John Gruber, Kevin Keefe, and Scott Lothes sign copies of their books at Saturday night reception. Gruber authored "Beebe and Clegg: Their Enduring Photographic Legacy" along with John Ryan and Mel Patrick. Keefe and Lothes wrote "Wallace W. Abbey: A Life in Railroad Photography." Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Co-authors John Ryan and John Gruber sign their book, "Beebe & Clegg: Their Enduring Photographic Legacy" at Saturday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Attendees Dave Saums and Ted Benson visit authors Scott Lothes, Kevin Keefe, John Gruber, John Ryan, and unidentified at book signing table at Saturday evening reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

Conference books and Print Program prints at Saturday night book Sale. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

CRP&A Exhibits Coordinator Hailey Paige assists Alan Furler at Saturday night book sale. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

Dave Saums and Steve Barry discuss conference book at Saturday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

CRP&A staff members run the book sale table at Saturday night reception. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

Attendees Oren Helbok and Dennis Livesey pose with photographs taken by their fathers--both were featured in this year's Awards Program. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

CRP&A Board Member Mike Valentine at Saturday presentations. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry Koshollek.

Presenter McNair Evans (left) discusses his project of photographing and interviewing people on Amtrak with Oren B Helbok. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

Attendee Charlie Castner delights crowd with impromptu piano performance at Saturday night dinner. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendees Greg Beirise and Jeff Mast at Saturday night dinner. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Dave Saums and Ron Goldfeder at Railway and Locomotive Historical Society display on Sunday morning. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendees Travis DeWitz and Brandon Townley at Conversations 2018 on Saturday. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendee Brian Schmidt at Saturday dinner. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendees enjoy Lake Forest College catering at Sunday Morning reception. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Otto Vondrak makes some railroad art on Sunday Morning at the Conference. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendees Louise Koshollek and Den Adler on Sunday morning at conference. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendee Jerry Palmer at Sunday morning presentations. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry Koshollek.

Matt Kierstead leads off Sunday morning with a presentation on illustrator John Gould. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

Matt Kierstead presents "Getting it Right: The Railroad Art of John Gould" on Sunday morning. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

Matt Kierstead presents "Getting it Right: The Railroad Art of John Gould" on Sunday morning. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Board member Jeff Brouws introduces Alan Furler, who presented the early black and white photographs produced by his farther Donald W. Furler. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

Board member Jeff Brouws introduces Alan Furler, who presented "Quiet Monsters Coming to Life" on Sunday morning. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

Alan Furler presents on the early black and white photographs produced by his farther, Donald W. Furler in a presentation called Quiet Monsters Coming to Life." Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

Alan Furler presents some of the steam photography taken by his father, Donald Furler in a presentation called "Quiet Monsters Coming to Life." Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Steve Barry.

5x7 inch Speed Graphic Camera used by Donald Furler during his early career. Alan Furler displayed this camera during his presentation, "Quiet Monsters Coming to Life" . Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.

David Lester moderates panel of "Conversations 2018" docents including Will Jordan, Ryan Gaynor, Samuel Phillips, Jonathan Riley, and Alex Silka. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

"Conversations 2018" docents Ryan Gaynor, Samuel Phillips, Will Jordan, Jonathan Riley, and Alex Silka take questions from audience at Sunday presentations. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek.

Attendees Henry Koshollek and Ted Benson at Sunday morning presentations. Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Photograph by Henry A. Koshollek

"Conversations" attendees during break on Sunday. Center for Railroad Photography & Art. Photograph by Otto Vondrak.