Friday, April 15, 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Olaf Haensch, filling in at the last minute for Axel Zwingenberger due to the latter’s visa-related issues, amazed the crowd with his stunning night photos from the Harz Narrow Gauge Railway in eastern Germany. The evening’s events at Calvin Durand Hall of Lake Forest College’s Mohr Student Center will began with socializing at 5:30 p.m. accompanied by live jazz piano music by Lewis Ableidinger. A buffet dinner with roast beef followed at 6:30, and then Mark Entrop of the Railway & Locomotive Historical Society presenter awards to two conference attendees. Frank Barry received the Fred A. and Jane R. Stindt Photography Award for lifetime achievement in railroad photography; John Gruber, the David P. Morgan Article Award for his study of Lucius M. Beebe and Charles M Clegg Jr. in Railroad Heritage 18, “an article of lasting significance to the interpretation of railroad history.” A photography exhibition featuring 12 prints by conference presenter Stan Kistler was on display thoughout the evening.
Saturday, April 16, 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- 8:30, Art Miller, Welcome from Lake Forest College
- 8:40, Bon French, Welcome from the Center
- 8:45, Joe McMillan, Arvada, Colorado
- 9:45, Break
- 10:00, Karl Zimmermann, Oradell, New Jersey
- 11:00, Lina Bertucci, New York City, photographer for Railroad Voices
- 12:00, Lunch
- 1:15, Center Updates, John Gruber and Scott Lothes
- 2:00, Lewis Ableidinger, Fargo, North Dakota
- 2:45, Break
- 3:00, John Gruber, Madison, Wisconsin
- 3:30, Olaf Haensch, Munich Germany
- 4:00, Stan Kistler, Grass Valley, California
- 5:00, Reception
The reception, sponsored by Trains and Classic Trains, included Kistler’s photography exhibition, limited edition print sales, and a book signing with David Plowden, Haensch, Kistler, and Zimmermann. Canon, a co-sponsor of the conference,had Brian Matsumoto on-hand to demonstrate and discuss their camera and imaging equipment.
Sunday, April 17, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sunday morning will featured workshops and discussions on digital photography, as well as an exhibition of Gordon Osmundson’s black & white inkjet prints.
- 9:00, Gordon Osmundson, Introductory Photoshop Techniques
- 10:00, Break
- 10:15, Gordon Osmundson, Intermediate/Advanced Photoshop Techniques
- 11:15, Break
- 11:30, Clark Johnson and Richard Solomon, Digital Archiving: “Why Digital Images May Not Survive as Long as Silver Halide”

Photo by Olaf Haensch, Friday night presenter at the 2011 conference.

Photo by Stan Kistler, presenter and featured photographer at the 2011 conference.