Conversations 2016 lineup and registrations

The R&LHS citation calls Railroaders “the first significant biography of everyday railroaders. Taken together, the biographies constitute a history of railroad work in the first half of the 20th century. Some lives and families are shattered by tragedies. But others are enriched by ethnic tradition, educational opportunities, and persistence in demanding jobs that often paid relatively well but required great physical strength and sacrifices of family and marital life.”
The judges said that the 2015 awards program was “truly an interesting contest, with the strongest overall batch of material to date.” See all of the winners and read more on the 2015 Awards page.
The issue also includes photoessays by renowned photographers Victor Hand and Charles McCreary. Hand offers a glimpse railroading in and around New York City in the 1960s and 1970s, while McCreary recounts growing up around trains in the Upper Midwest in the 1940s and 1950s. This issue also introduces a new column, “Out of the Archives,” edited by Jordan Radke, the Center’s archives manager. The first installment looks at organization and metadata for photography collections.
This 48-page issue is available in our Book Store for $7.95 plus shipping and handling. Members of the Center receive four issues of Railroad Heritage annually as a benefit of membership. If you haven’t done so already, why not join the Center today?
The Fall 2015 issue of Railroad Heritage includes three main features, plus a new column. Photographer Victor Hand shares a gallery of his work from around New York City. There’s a memoir and photographs by Charles McCreary about growing up around trains in the Upper Midwest. Peter Mosse recasts his 2015 Conversations presentations with an in-depth look at the first hundred years of rail art, drawing from his extensive collection. To keep you better apprised of our archiving work, we launched a new column with this issue, “Out of the Archives.” The first installment looks at organization and metadata from the work of our two summer interns in Madison.
This issue is out of print. Get in touch with us about digital copies.