$7.95, 48 pages, color and b/w

$7.95, 48 pages, color and b/w
$50 plus $5 for domestic shipping, hardcover, 10×10 inches, 240 pages, b/w
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Another album of Fred M. Springer selections is available online. The photographs focus on South American railways from Bolivia and Paraguay including this shot of Empresa Nacional de Ferrocarriles Bolivia 2-8-0 steam locomotive no. 9 or “Mururata” in Guaqui, Bolivia, on September 30, 1992.
View all the images at: www.railphoto-art.org/collections/springer/south-american-railways
Springer Collection Overview
A new album of selections from our Fred M. Springer Collection are available online. Images feature Brazilian Railways including these Associação Brasileira de Preservação Ferroviária 4-6-0 wood-burning steam locomotives nos. 215 and 210 moving past a set of buildings and a large pile of fuel in Anhumas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, on November 1, 1990.
View the entire album at: www.railphoto-art.org/collections/springer/brazilian-railways
Springer Collection Overview
Another album of Fred M. Springer photographs are available. These selections include shots from Zambia and Zimbabwe such as a National Railways of Zimbabwe Garratt steam locomotive passing new concrete ties in the grassy terrain of Livingstone, Zambia on August 8, 1991.
View the entire album: www.railphoto-art.org/collections/springer/african-railways
Springer Collection Overview